Friday, June 20, 2008

{crazy diamond}

{click images to view larger}

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

{mysterious love}


{look closely}

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{grateful daily | day twenty-two}

today i am grateful for
the twinkly bells
that are the sound of his laughter

{you'll never know, dear}

{when you look back}

love. cuddles. make believe. warmth.

you. me.

this is what i want you to remember. when you look back.

it's us. every day here, in our little family. watching you flourish. astonished.

when you look back, i want you to remember our moments; if not clearly, then remember them as a blur of happiness.

i want your entire childhood to be one delicious blur of happiness.

i want you to know how important you are. i want you to look back and see how your spirit grew, how you became who you are today, someone i don't know yet know, but will never forget.

i want you to love you as much as i love you.


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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

{healing machine}

he says he's got a healing machine
that glows in the dark
glows in the dark

say there's not a lot of me
left anymore
just leave it alone

- tori amos

{faces of love}